'Hey loves! Today\'s video is on the Velvet Liquid Lipsticks from Kylie Cosmetics.I swatch them & also discuss how i like/or dislike them.Also like stated in the video i will be doing a Q&A so leave your questions in the comments below! ---------------------------------------------------------- VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWqJhIqVvZ4fwat8ZBcRAXQ STAY CONNECTED WITH ME:) ! Instagram: http://instagram.com/chelseabeautyxo_ Twitter:http://www.twitter.com/Vitaabellaxo Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/vitaabellaxoYT Blog:http://chelseaadrianzenbeauty.blogspot.com/ snapchat:chelsehhbby ---------------------------------------------- COUPON CODES & GREAT SITES U NEED TO KNOW ABOUT: ScentBird: USE CODE\"VITA25\" for 25% off your first purchase. SmileBrilliant: USE CODE\"vitaabellaxo5\" for 5% off any purchase. Original Beauty Box:http://original-beauty-box.myshopify.com?rfsn=274771.1303b Morphe live glam subscription ($19.99) a month & you get $30+ of morphe brushes! https://liveglam.com/morphe-brushes/?ref=Chelseaadrianzen13 Hair Extensions that i use: -Bellami Hair Extensions;bellissima 220g 22\'\' USE CODE:\"vitaabellaxo\" to get $5.00 off orders over $159.99 Bh Cosmetics:!(GREAT FOR BEGINNERS) http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/c... Coastal scents: New members get $5 off your first order! http://www.coastalscents.com?tap_a=5635-12f581&tap_s=28991-4137ae'
Tags: makeup , review , kylie jenner , Kylie cosmetics , swatches , Velvet Liquid Lipsticks , vitaabellaxo , chelsea elizabeth , kylie velvet review
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